Sunday, April 29, 2012

Today is Webkinz Day!

Today, we celebrate 7 years of Webkinz World!

Players who log into their accounts today shall find a gift box in their dock...or not. Instead, a fairly large number of players are receiving two gift boxes instead of one. Upon clicking the button that allows you to see your full dock, the second gift box appears. It's unknown whether or not this is supposed to happen, or if it's just a glitch, but hey--double the gifts. The downside to this is that this means the Year 7 gifts might be worth a bit less for trading due to their increased quantity. I'm only going to open one gift box and see what happens to the other in a few weeks, but do whatever you want with your extra one.

Also, don't forget to spin the Super Wheel! This is an event that lasts all day, but it only appears on certain occasions, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween (but not last year, for some reason) and Webkinz Day.

Demo accounts do not get to spin the Super Wheel!

This here is the Super Wheel for Webkinz Day 2012:

Players who spin the Wheel today can win one of the following items.
  1. 750 KinzCash
  2. After Party Serving [Station?] (an eStore item)
  3. Kinzvision Plasma TV
  4. Golden Apple Tree (an adoption/Wish Factory exclusive)
  5. 500 KinzCash
  6. Fast Food Recycling (Curio Shop exclusive)
  7. Wraparound Computing Chamber (animated W-Shop item that costs 3,215 KinzCash)
  8. Time Warp Clock (adoption/Wish Factory exclusive)

I won the Wraparound Computing Chamber. Did you win anything really cool? Feel free to leave a comment!

But enough talk; I suppose you guys want to see what the gifts are this year, huh? To keep the prizes from being spoiled for those who'd rather not know yet, check after the break.

This year, your pet can enjoy a slice of scrumptious Webkinz Day Year 7 Cake! After sending their Wish Token to the Wish Factory, they can display the Webkinz Day Year 7 Trophy with pride, near their Webkinz Day Year 7 Group Print hanging on the wall!


  1. I got a golden apple tree :( I wanted the After Party Serving Station SOOOO bad! Oh well. Please check out Webkinz Designs! I have a contest going on!
    ~Jasmine the Jazzy~

    1. My older brother, too, really wanted the Serving Station. (and who can blame him; it would have fit perfectly in that house of his!) He won the amazing prize of...500 KC. The Wheels have something against him, methinks.

  2. I opened both of my boxes and it was AWESOME! I got two wish coins instead of one so now I have fifteen wish machine coins!!!! I can get a rockin' prize now!


This is not the place to look for trades! There is a forum on Webkinz Newz, and the Clubhouse in Webkinz World, for that.

Anybody can comment, but your comments are moderated, keep that in mind. To those who comment anonymously, please include a name on the end of your post, so we have something to call you!

Profanity, violence, spamming, and otherwise being unreasonably rude will not get your comment posted. Keep it rated G.