This is where KeiKei and her sister Carmen talk about everything new in Webkinz World! From games to pets to themes, contests, and prizes, this is what we think! Now, what do you think? Let's talk Webkinz!
A new, Deluxe-exclusive Arcade game has been added.
This game is called "Leapin' Llama", a side-scroller in which you help Lulu the Llama to race her way up a mountain while avoiding obstacles.
This game has a trophy! It is obtained by racing 1,500 meters.
The Llama League Cup can only be obtained once per account. It cannot be traded or sold.
There are also two known badges to be won.
The first half of the Mega Modern Room Theme has been introduced to the W-Shop.
I was bracing myself for high prices, and was surprised to find that this theme really doesn't cost much more than the average! To buy the entire first half of the theme, it costs 2,855 KC.
Cryonic Comfort Bed=750 KC
Luminorb Floor Lamp=345 KC
Mega Modern Flooring/Wall=250 KC each
Synthosphane Floor Vase=260 KC
Omni Glass Coffee Table=450 KC
Stasis Sofa=550 KC
I imagine the furniture would blend beautifully if matched with pieces of the Upscale Condo or City Styling themes, both found in the W-Shop as well!
I figured it would be more efficient to just tell everyone when I update the page than it would be to add every new location, date, and time in each post. That would make searching for the dates very hard in the future!
Here's the page, which you can find again in that little bar on the top of the page. :3
The information collected is a calendar of every day from May 1 to October 31. Under each day is the city, state, and location that was visited that day. ("no event" if there was none; left blank if we do not know yet)
Let me know if there's something I missed, if it's too complicated, etc.
July 2012 is going to be a Webkinz-filled month--this is the 5th pet revealed, and we're not at the Signature yet! The pet shown is the Webkinz Boxer, a happy little guy.
"Mega Modern" it may be called, but I'm detecting more of a sci-fi appearance. Also, note the full, built-in window that's just begging to be ruined by an improperly placed door usually found in eStore walls.
We also have a new W-Shop theme coming up, the first half of which will be released in tomorrow's Wednesday update.
It is called the Mega Modern Room Theme, and the first half consists of the following:
Cryonic Comfort Bed
Stasis Sofa
Omni Glass Coffee Table
Luminorb Floor Lamp
Synthopane Floor Vase
That's a mouthful!
Also, in an unspecified fashion, you can win the following items from WKN:
Glowing Coffee Table, Glowing Vase, and Glowing Lamp. Basically the table, lamp, and flower found in the theme, only glowing and bluer. Placing a Glowing Vase and a Floor Vase on either side of a piece of furniture would work nicely, though.
DiceKinz is a game that's been around for many years. Players could play against either a friend or the computer, and would race to see who'd reach the finish line first with dice, strategy, and sometimes luck. Players started with a basic set of dice, but could expand their collections with Pet Packs, which were unlocked after adopting a certain pet (Cocker Spaniel, Panda, Cheeky Cat, etc.). However, Pet Packs were retired on March 30, 2011--except for the Koala pack, probably because it was set to remove all instances of "Pet Pack" from the W-Shop, and the Koala's was called "Koala PetPack".
On June 6, Ganz has announced, the DiceKinz game will be retired from Webkinz World. If you bought a Pet Pack before they were retired, and haven't opened it yet, you can sell it back to the W-Shop for a full refund.
There is a little upside to the retirement of this classic game: on June 6, players with DiceKinz dice in their accounts who log in on that day will receive this lovely trophy, as a memento of their DiceKinz playing days.
Ganz has also announced the retirement of the rare Egyptian theme.
The Egyptian Theme, shown in its entirety* above, is one of the oldest Rare themes in Webkinz World. Pieces of Rare themes are found in the Curio Shop at certain hours, can be found in Trading Card codes, and can be given randomly in the dice you roll when adopting any pet after your 10th.
On June 20, the theme will bid farewell to Webkinz World.
As of this announcement, you've got 29 days to work on completing the theme!
The Webkinz Insider Forum has a widget on the top of the page that shows the Curio Shop's stock for the day, in Asia, Europe, and North America, along with the times they're for sale. If you're looking for the theme, you can find its known times for sale there.
Plumpy the Hippo will also be/has been in the Trading Hall every day this week, with Egyptian theme items for trade! She'll take anything for them. She posts on WKN the times she'll be in the Trading Hall...but so far, nobody's been able to find her!
*except for the Desert Window, which is an adoption exclusive that's been retired anyway.
We'll start with the Tropical Island Pup. If this pet looks awfully familiar, it's with good reason--it was released in October 2011 as a Cracker Barrel Exclusive. As of July of this year, though, it can be found in all Webkinz retailers!
As such, we already know its PSI (Beachside Gazebo) and PSF (Fresh Flower Cocktail).
This here is the Alpaca, which is among the cutest Webkinz of 2012 so far in my book.
And this is the FrooFroo Fox (yes, all two words) which resembles a dog or maybe even a cat rather than a fox.
I am sorry to say that the KinzCash Club is postponed in till June, because I am going on a vacation for a week and there will not be any time for the blog.... I was sick last week, so last week was nothing, but the club will restart in june.
I am very sorry about this, but I promise that we will have the club. I am leaving Wednesday and will return Thursday.
"What happened to the blog this week?"
Camping. Camping happened. And now I'm back, so let's get this show on the road!
Webkinz Insider has conducted and published a 10-question interview with the Creative Director of Webkinz World about Webkinz Friends.
Apparently, Webkinz World's Creative Director is also the Creative Director of Webkinz Friends. Cool. You can find the interview here.
Ganz has also announced that Webkinz Friends will soon be playable on the iPad! The iPad Webkinz Friends will be identical to the Facebook app in every way, except for updating slightly later than the Facebook app.
Also there are more places added to the Webkinz Road Trip Map I just now checked that
why don't they announce these things
It appears that Missouri, West Virginia, and Tennessee have been added to the map! There will be 1 stop in West Virginia, 3 stops in Missouri, and 1 stop in Tennessee.
West Virginia
June 18, 11 AM-1 PM Huntington Cabell Huntington Hospital
June 29, 2-4 PM St. Louis Schaefer's Hobby Shop June 30 Washington Altemueller Jewelery
As you may know, for Let's Talk Webkinz' 1st birthday on May 8th, we ran a Treasure Hunt. To play, you just looked for underlined words in LTW articles, wrote them down, and tried to decipher them into a message. We tried to make the message complicated enough to not be guessed immediately, but it may have been a little too complicated...
So I will give you two hints. If anyone doing the Treasure Hunt really needs them, they are after the break.
As such, you cannot use this without a Facebook account. (yet?) You can find the app here.
This new app is called Webkinz Friends. It is currently in beta, and is a Farmville-meets-Webkinz kind of world. It is a lot more complicated than Webkinz World, as would be expected of an app that only 13+ can use.
Here is the app description:
Webkinz Friends is a social game where you can make a big happy family
in the Kinzville of your dreams, with the added benefit of sending
prizes to anyone in Webkinz World!
This is what it looks like...
This is a snippet of Sir Rhineholt's yard. What's supposed to be animated, is, and it's the perfect opportunity to decorate with eStore items when you normally couldn't.
About every 5 minutes, a little ditty that sounds like a cross between Mazin-Hamsters/Creatures Adventures music plays. Birds chirp the whole time.
Upon starting up, Ms. Birdy greets you, and asks you to choose a Webkinz with which to represent yourself in your Kinzville. You also get to name it. You may choose a Black and White Cat, Golden Retriever, Basset Hound, Pig, Cow, Hippo, Cocker Spaniel, or Lion. They don't get specified genders, though.
Then they just traipse around the roads.
The features of the game are as follows: Pet Adoption--You can adopt Webkinz pets to create your family. You can use the codes from actual Webkinz plush pets (only works if the code is unused, or was used after May 2012), and you can collect Adoption Certificates from the Adoption Center, and trade them in for a pet (which can only be used in the app, of course). Plush pets adopted in Webkinz Friends come with their PSI.
You earn 1 Adoption Certificate a day. It takes 5 Certificates for your first pet, 10 for the second, 15 for the third, and so on--just multiply the number pet it is by 5.
Upon adopting a new pet, you can choose if you want a new room in your house, OR 2,000 KinzCash.
I do not know exactly how this plush-adoption thing works. We know that Webkinz World first, then Webkinz Friends does not work, but does Webkinz Friends first, then Webkinz World work? I imagine it would only be fair for it to work as such, because I'm not going to buy a plushie just to have it wander around in my Facebook app.
Kinzville--Everyone's wondered what Kinzville looks like in-depth...and now we know--whatever you want it to look like! Yep, you can make little buildings and houses and make your own Kinzville. Sir Rhineholt, your first and default friend, has his own bustling Kinzville that looks like this:
Goals--As you play, you'll see goals--a little Cocker Spaniel in a box--on the left side of the screen. Completing these goals gets you KinzCash, items, goods, and prizes!
Experience--The more you have, the more levels you get. The more levels, the more items you can unlock in the KinzMart. The more items, the bigger your Kinzville can become!
Goods--On the top of your screen, there are Goods. There are four types: Materials, which you get from resources like the Mystery Mine. You can also get them from cutting down pine trees. Materials are used to make buildings. The second type is Food. They're used to stock restaurants. The third type is Items. They're used to stock places like the W-Shop. And lastly is the Clothes, which are used to stock places like clothing stores.
Kinzfolk (I've always wondered what you call citizens of Kinzville)--Kinzfolk are just Webkinz that run around your town, adding the cutest slice of life. A wider variety of Kinzfolk are made available by buying Pet Packs in the KinzMart, however, these packs cost real money in the form of Facebook credits.
Happiness--This is important, as the more happiness you have, the more bonuses you get from harvests from buildings and resources. To get more happiness, have a large family, and/or a high-quality town.
Town Quality--Based on what's in your town, the Quality level helps determine your Happiness level. You can increase the Quality with a big Webkinz family and having lots of Kinzfolk.
Neighbors--These are your Facebook friends that you invite to Webkinz Friends. You can visit their towns, and help them by collecting from businesses and harvesting crops. This gives you Experience and KinzCash. You can only help out with 5 buildings daily, though.
Your House--Or just "My Room" in WW terms, your house allows you to make recipes. You can also decorate it, of course! You can also get a Happiness bonus from it--the more pets in your family, the more Happiness you earn.
Eager Beavers take care of the construction work. :D
...that Tomato Soup recipe up there is the most sensible one I've seen Webkinz World associated with. (also, I feel duped. I took a book, some gardening tools, and a pen and tossed them together in real life, and was not given a blank book. Just some confetti.)
Collections--Collections are groups of items that you can get from collecting from buildings and harvesting crops. They're awarded randomly, so you never know what you'll get, but the goal is to get ALL the pieces in the collection. For getting a complete collection, you can trade them in for KinzCash, goods, or a special item. Some Collection items can be used in recipes.
Whew! That's a long list.
Ms. Birdy shows up at the start of your Kinzville to guide you through a tutorial. The first building you build is your own house, and you can build other houses, too, from mobile homes to mansions.
You can adopt pets, but only a few varieties work--there's a list you can find here, along with a Q&A of Webkinz Friends. eStore pet codes don't work and due to the lack of a place to enter codes, Zumbuddies and Mazin' Hamsters wouldn't work, either.
If this sounds like something you'd like to check out, do note that the app requires the following of your Facebook account:
Basic information (name, gender, list of friends, anything you've made public)
Your birthday
The ability to send you e-mail notifications
Post on your behalf (make posts about stuff you've done in Webkinz Friends)
Manage your [Webkinz Friends-related] notifications
For more information, check out the following:
-this video, made by the staff of Webkinz Insider
There is also a Webkinz Friends website, though there's not much point to it, as it just shows the WF title screen and gives a link to the Facebook app, the only place so far to play it.
The thing that I find the best about this new app so far is that the decorations you can place are real items from Webkinz World. Also, there's an option to make it fullscreen. It just makes it so much cooler.
The app runs surprisingly fast, and the little Webkinz running around are so cute! There's so freaking much to learn, though, and it's still in beta, so who knows what's still ahead.
You can send gifts to WW accounts, apparently, but I don't know how to do that yet.
On the Kinzville Map, you'll see a new gazebo, right next to the My Page icon. Click on that, and this will appear:
The way this works is that you ask your friends for flowers--you can ask 10 friends a day, but you can only get 5 flowers daily. You also get 1 free flower daily, and from May 10-31, you can get flowers from WKN. You can also buy them from the eStore.
"Why all the flowers?"
Because prizes.
Upon collecting...
10 Flowers------Bloomin' Comfy Chair
20 Flowers------Baby Buttercups Plant
40 Flowers------Lollipop Seeds
55 Flowers------Flourishing Tree and Flower Bed
75 Flowers------Grand Prize: Wildflower Gazebo
With the 5 Flower per day limit, if you want the grand prize, you need 15 days to get it. This means the latest you can start is May 17.
We'll start with the much-anticipated Webkinz Rockerz!
They originally had much longer names (Peace, Love, and Moosic Cow; Bad to the Bone Bulldog; Punk Rock Princess Cat; and I keep forgetting the Lion's name), but it appears that they've been shortened to simply Rockerz (whatever animal they are).
The Lion comes with Shock Rock Stage Flames for a PSI, and Heavy Metal Meatballs to eat.
And so, now that the Webkinz had harnessed the power of fire, they went on to create the world's coolest barbeques.
The Rockerz Cat comes with a Dressing Room Vanity PSI, and Funky Fish Sticks PSF. That is among their more creative PSFs! Wonder if the keyboard it's on still works.
The Rockerz Bulldog comes with a Rockin' Drum Set PSI, and a Mosh Pitatoes PSF. Tee hee, puns
Finally, the Rockerz Cow comes with a Groovy Solo Stage PSI, and a Flower Powdered Sugar Cookies PSF. Huzzah, we finally have more microphones! And a really cool one, too.
The Signature Ragdoll Cat, June's Signature pet, comes with a Designer Catwalk PSI, and a Seared Scallops PSF.
The Purple Floral Fawn is a new, virtual Webkinz pet. It comes with a Cozy Log Hideaway PSI, and Apple Blossom Tarts PSF.
Not to be confused with the Purple Floral Fox, which I am to assume is the older relative of this newcomer.
The main difference between these two appearance-wise is that the Fox has a bunch of flowers on its back.
As of today, Let's Talk Webkinz has: 5 followers 248 posts (not including this one) 11,048 pageviews, averaging in 1,000-1,400 a month since December 2011 71 comments
Thank You, Everyone!
Lots of news to report! The Wednesday update is tomorrow, May 9th, but I highly doubt that I will be present to make the list on time, so...have the known updates early!
Wednesday Updates: May 9, 2012
Three new Pet of the Month items will be added!
These can be obtained by either trading for them, or by adopting a Pet of the Month during its month--they're basically Exclusive Items given as a bonus for Pets of the Month adopted in their month.
However, to make room, two POTM items will be retired. They are the Dex's Lugbot Lookout and the Blooming Dandelion, both pictured above.
The new items are the Caramel Apple Seeds (which grow into Caramel Apples), Volcanic Geyser, and Air Hockey Arcade Unit!
Three new Challenges will be added.
Deluxe members will be able to take on the Once Upon a Time...Challenge, which is unlocked to them after completing The Big Scoop Challenge.
All WW members can play the New Cat in Town Challenge (unlocked after the Plumpy's Great Advice Challenge), and the Webkinz World Summer Games Challenge (unlocked after the Jungle Safari Challenge).
Hey guys,
It's Keibell here and I am posting the "Weekly schedule". You must go to the website at the bottom, That is where the club will take place. Here in the Weekly schedule for week one:
Now if you to find out about the challenge go to this website:
Both of these plush pets will be released in June 2012.
The Summer Beaver comes with a Warm River Spa PSI, and a Cedar Sundae PSF.
...making it the 35th Webkinz (that I've found) to come with some sort of spa, tub, or pond. Webkinz: you cannot escape the cleanliness! That's one tasty-looking PSF, too.
The Cocoa Lab come with Frozen Treat Fridge PSI, and Caramel Ice Pop PSF.
...caramel-flavored ice
Sounds delightful! Or maybe it's just frozen caramel? Either way, the Cocoa Lab still looks way too similar to the Chocolate Lab for my liking.
Though I do not deny that its PSI is quite appealing.
And if you look closely: the water in the Summer Beaver's Item and Food is reflective, and the Cocoa Lab's PSI's umbrella is transparent. I really like when they throw in extra details like that; it adds a nice touch of realism to the Webkinz World.
From May 4-31, 2012, go to WKN and look for the above advertisement. Click on it and fill out the form to win a randomly selected, birthday-themed prize--or even the WKN exclusive Emerald Lamp!
The Webkinz Okapi is June's POTM! As usual, there is a contest to win a virtual one at WKN. Simply make a list of your top ten Mother's Day gifts, and you could win one of 5 Okapi codes in time for June! Here is the link to the contest.
Speaking of Mother's Day, there's a contest for that, too!
In 1,000 characters or less, write about why you love your mom and you could win a Mother's Day Prize Pack! Here's the link to the contest, which runs from May 1-13.
Good news for Webkinz Rockerz fans! From May 1-31, you can win a code for either a Webkinz Rockerz Cat or Bulldog! (formally "Punk Rock Princess Cat" and "Bad to the Bone Bulldog".)
How? Bulldog: Write about why the Rockerz Bulldog is your favorite of the Rockerz in 1,000 characters or less. Cat: Write about why the Rockerz Cat is your favorite of the Rockerz in 1,000 characters or less.
Here is a link to the Cat's contest, and here's the link to the Dog's contest.
Calling all artists! The Webkinz Road Trip is upon us, and so is a contest for it! Draw your Webkinz next to the 2012 Road Trip Van and you could win a virtual version of the van! This contest runs from May 1-13. Only pictures uploaded as a .JPG or .GIF image are allowed. Here's the contest link.
Need a 2012 Webkinz Road Trip Van reference? This picture from this WKN article is probably your best bet unless you see the Van in real life.
Pictured on the van...
Far left corner of the left side of the van:
1 Giggly Zum, 1 Zippy Zum, Alyssa, Ice Dragon, Spring Songbird, Mud Hippo, Red Velvet Bunny, Yellow Fluffy Cub, Wacky Zingoz, Dodo, Peace Unicorn, Polka Dot Bobcat, Rockerz Lion, unreleased Rockerz dog, unreleased Rockerz monkey, Pink Pony
This design is mirrored on the right side of the van.
Hood of van, from left-hand side to right:
Sera, Raziel, Boris, Ghost Pirate, Gnomon (Adventure Park characters; Ghost Pirate is also found in the Rock the Boat game on the Tropical Island)
Back of van, left-hand side to right:
Bad to the Bone Bulldog, Punk Rock Princess Cat, Peace, Love, and Moosic Cow
And finally, there is a Peek-A-Newz going on from May 2-23. Log in here, then look around Webkinz Newz for Wacky Zingoz peeking out from behind advertisements. (it helps to press Ctrl, then scroll down--that makes the page smaller and therefore easier to search quickly.) The prizes for this Peek-A-Newz are hats, posters, and shirts from last year's Road Trip. A perfect opportunity to fill out one's collection!
And for Webkinz fans who use the eStore, it has been announced that for the entire month of May, the virtual-only Emerald Puppy will be for sale! Not only that, but those who purchase this pet first made available in 2010 will get a free Emerald Dragster!
And from this segment of the advertisement, it looks like the rest of the Birthstone Puppies will be available somehow during their respective months this year, too!