Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday Updates 23/05/12

A new, Deluxe-exclusive Arcade game has been added.


This game is called "Leapin' Llama", a side-scroller in which you help Lulu the Llama to race her way up a mountain while avoiding obstacles.
This game has a trophy! It is obtained by racing 1,500 meters.
The Llama League Cup can only be obtained once per account. It cannot be traded or sold.
There are also two known badges to be won.

The first half of the Mega Modern Room Theme has been introduced to the W-Shop.

I was bracing myself for high prices, and was surprised to find that this theme really doesn't cost much more than the average! To buy the entire first half of the theme, it costs 2,855 KC.

Cryonic Comfort Bed=750 KC
Luminorb Floor Lamp=345 KC
Mega Modern Flooring/Wall=250 KC each
Synthosphane Floor Vase=260 KC
Omni Glass Coffee Table=450 KC
Stasis Sofa=550 KC

I imagine the furniture would blend beautifully if matched with pieces of the Upscale Condo or City Styling themes, both found in the W-Shop as well!


  1. Omigosh I love that theme! So cool! I though it was estore so I wasn't really phased when I saw the article in WKN.

  2. This has nothing to do with the topic of this post.
    How can I subscribe to this site? I'd like to.

    - Kat the Cat

    1. You're going to need a Blogger account first. :3 It's free to make one, and you don't actually need to have/make a blog for it.
      When you make yourself one, scroll to the bottom of this blog and click the "Join This Site" button that you should find there. And viola! You're subscribed! :D


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