Included in these updates are:
The Ghost returning to the Webkinz Clubhouse
A sneak-peek of a new pet
Click-To-Win, with prizes including eStore costume pieces
The Ghost has returned to the Clubhouse.
Every Halloween, a Ghost will appear in the Clubhouse. The way this works is that you just hang out in one room (or hop from room to room like a frog playing hopscotch, if you prefer) and eventually, the Ghost will appear. Click on him when he does show up, and he'll give you a piece of candy. Upon collecting 12 pieces of candy, the player is rewarded with a Jack-O'-Lantern they can carve and display in their WW room. In 2010, Spooky the Mazin' Hamster replaced the Ghost, but for 2011, the Ghost is giving the candy.
In past years, a piece of candy could be collected once every three hours, and the time limit would shorten as the days neared to Halloween. This year, it appears that the programmers can't decide what the time limit is--some people can collect multiple pieces of candy at a time, others must wait one hour between candies, others must wait three. Ganz has acknowledged this issue and has reported that they are investigating it.
Edit: It appears that the limit is sticking strictly to 3 hours between candies.
If you don't want to wait for the candy, you may buy the pieces at 1,000 eStore points (1$) apiece. It will take 36 hours to get all 12 pieces of candy if you get each piece one after the other.
One of the December 2011 Webkinz pets has been revealed at Webkinz Newz.
This pet is called the "Darling Dino", and...I have nothing more I wish to add to this. Here, have a picture.
Methinks Webkinz Jr. |
Hey, at least it's a new dinosaur! ^ ^
There's a new Click-To-Win at Webkinz Newz.
In this Click-To-Win, you search for Spooky the Mazin' Hamster's head floating around Webkinz Newz.
As always, one prize per account per day, and some prizes are rarer than others. Spooky will be flying October 20-31, and not on October 22, 25, or 29.
Here are the prizes:
Any one of the items from the W-Shop Halloween theme, including new items. (does this mean you can win them regardless of if they are retired or not?)
The full Modern Vampire costume
Otherwise found at the eStore for 6,500 points |
or the full Vogue Vampire costume!
Otherwise found at the eStore for 6,500 points |