Saturday, July 16, 2011

Treasure Hunt Returns!

The "Shrewd Searchers Treasure Hunt", previously scheduled to run from the 6th of July to August 2, 2011, had been suffering from some technical difficulty, and was taken down. To make up for it, the Friendship Treasure Hunt for the Dear Diary Leopard was extended to end on July 15.

Now, we are happy to report that the Shrewd Searchers Treasure Hunt has returned!
If you're having trouble finding it, here is the link.
Begins: Today, July 16.
Ends: August 15, 2011.
Prize: Virtual Koala Archeologist figure. This prize includes the item that comes with the figurine, the Backyard Dig Site, and, if this is your first figurine, access to Woodland Wonders and a Series 2 Figurine Case.

Remember, the more figurines you collect, the more likely you are to win better prizes more often in Woodland Wonders. 

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