There is a new Treasure Hunt at Webkinz Newz!
This is a Back to School Treasure Hunt, beginning today, September 6, and ending October 5, 2011.
The prize for this Treasure Hunt is a Three Cheers Tiger, which comes with the Figure Specific Item of a Pompom Bean Bag Chair.
You'll be looking for this guy during the event. |

Starting September 7, search at Webkinz Newz for a floating Alex icon. Click on it, and you'll receive one of these eight Webkinz Plushies for your account. One prize per account per day. This event ends September 30, so there's plenty of chances to get a plush!
However, Alex will
not be flying on the following dates:
10, 12, 17 , 21, 23, 24, 29.
This pet comes with a Puppy Grub Tub PSI and Baked Bean Bratwurst PSF. |
The Leonberger was previously released earlier this year, and has come back as a promotional pet. For every 50,000 eStore points one buys, they will get a Leonberger pet at no extra charge.
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This is not the place to look for trades! There is a forum on Webkinz Newz, and the Clubhouse in Webkinz World, for that.
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