Table of Contents
Hottest News of the Week
In which Carmen recaps and discusses the latest news, events, and other happenings in the Webkinz World, along with the week's concerns and issues as voiced by Webkinz fans.
Outfit Modeling
Outfit Modeling
In which Keikei and her pet, Guinevere the Dreamy Sheep, will help you decide what to wear in Webkinz World.
Where Carmen and KeiKei tell some fun facts.
Poems and Short Stories
In which Carmen will share her stories and poems about Webkinz World. You can find Carmen's new Webkinz webcomic here.
Trading Hall News
In which Keikei will discuss what's "in" at the trading hall, with some tips and advice.
Cooking with KC
In which Keikei and Carmen combine their culinary creativity to create some scrumptious snacks. These recipes can be made in both the Webkinz and real worlds!Facts
Where Carmen and KeiKei tell some fun facts.
Hottest News of the Week
by Carmen
Zodiac Click-To-Win Working Again
After a disappointing first week of the Zodiac Click-To-Win, during which nobody could actually win anything and one was presented with a message saying that the page didn't exist when they found the floating dial, players can finally begin collecting the WKN-exclusive Zodiac clothing pieces. The event appears to have been fixed on March 9.
The complete Zodiac Earth Costume is available from the Keep Kinzville Clean challenge, the Adventure Park, March 10-13 2012, and the first time it was made available, March 19-30 2011. This makes it the most common Zodiac Costume.
The Water Costume Top is now slightly more common than the rest, as it's been available twice. The rest of it has only been available once.
As the full Fire Costume was excluded from this year's event, that makes it the rarest Zodiac Costume there is.
And on March 14, the Zodiac Air Costume became official! Apparently, they'd been waiting to let us see it since January 2011.
Webkinz Getting Confused Lately
This is not an article for complaining about or berating Ganz; this is for clarifying some mistakes.
Fans logging into their accounts on March 10 may have noticed the front-page article featuring the 5 new March 2012 Webkinz. Yes, 5 regular ones: turns out, there was an unannounced addition, the Peace Out Puppy.
However, in the article, a small mistake has been made.
The Peace Out Puppy is advertised, yet the image for the Peace Puppy has been used. It's an understandable mistake--just one word makes two completely different pets.
- The Peace Puppy was released 2 years ago, in March 2010
- The Peace Puppy has multicolored peace signs on its fur, the Peace Out Puppy is covered in peace signs, hearts, and flowers from head to paw
- The Peace Puppy's paws and ears are blue; the Peace Out Puppy's are purple
- The Peace Puppy comes with a decorative PSI, the Peace Out Puppy comes with a vehicle
- The Peace Puppy was very popular and now is hard to find, making it worth a lot more online
- The Peace Puppy was officially revealed; the Peace Out Puppy was accidentally revealed in the Webkinz Catalog.
Also, you might stumble across an advertisement in WKN/WW. It advertises the Signature Bengal Cat, but it uses the picture for the first Signature Endangered Webkinz, the Bengal Tiger.
Don't get these two mixed up when shopping for Webkinz!
The Signature Endangered Bengal Tiger is rarer, has been out since March 2010, is a Signature Endangered, is a Tiger, and is worth a lot more at places like eBay.
The Bengal Cat is a regular Signature that looks like this.
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Incidentally, the Bengal Cat was incorrectly announced as a virtual-only pet! Cat can't catch a break! |
Webkinz Newz Upgrades Accounts to Ganzworld Accounts
On March 14, Ganz upgraded Ganz Parent Club and WKN accounts to Ganzworld accounts, allowing holders to use both sites with a single log-in. This appears to have gone over smoothly.
On March 14, Ganz upgraded Ganz Parent Club and WKN accounts to Ganzworld accounts, allowing holders to use both sites with a single log-in. This appears to have gone over smoothly.
Outfit Modeling:
As you all know tomorrow is Saint Patrick's Day, and on Saint Patrick's Day you're supposed to wear green.
Guinevere ( my Webkinz Dreamy Sheep) has taken this tradition to a new fashion level, she has some totally cool outfits for us today! This week, Guinevere has a seven piece mix and match outfit! Seven pieces of clothing and four different outfits! We also had some pics sent to us from a blogger friend, Jasmine. Guinevere loved the pics of Puffball in her trendy outfits so much that she wanted to add an extra theme. The Theme is: "Fun With Skirts!" (You can find this theme at the bottom for Outfit Modeling.)Tips:
#1."When making mix and match outfits always make sure that all the outfits match, and go well together"
#2. "When matching different shades of green make sure they go well together." Not all shades of the same color look good together, we must be careful when we try to mix shades.
Outfit Time:
Here are the mix and match outfits:
Now this is a lucky outfit!
Here is a better look at our lucky outfit.
Here is another piece of our mix and match outfits:
See, it uses the same skirt but a different top and some cool shades
Can you help me find four leaf clovers?
In this outfit we keep the top, shoes, hat, and glasses, but we added the pants.
Have you seen a pot of gold?
In this outfit we keep the pants, shoes, hat, and glasses, but we added the top.
Have you seen the leprechaun?
Guinevere has some secrets that she would like to share with you:
Secret #1. Guinevere loves to make mix and match outfits, she thinks that if you wear it once change it a little and wear it again. Secret #2. To Guinevere it's all about color, color in a outfit can tell a lot about you or your pet. Remember, color is everything.
Fun With Skirts!
This is a picture sent in by a fan, Jasmine! Here is her Chinchilla, Puffball, modeling some funky fashions:
This is Puffball in the "Winter Outfit"
Here is a better look at the "Winter Outfit"
This is the "Rainbow" Outfit
"Somewhere over the rainbow." "Oh, Toto!"
This is an outfit fit for a trendy Queen!
Here is one fancy outfit!
Lookin' great, Puffball!
That Webcomic I Was Talking About That Will Get A Title Next Week
(call it "that comic" 'til then)
Episode One: The Time Before The Title
Trading Hall News
By: KeiKei
We all know that the trading hall can be hard that is why Skylar Tune (my Webkinz Harmony Puppy) is here to help. This week will be about the do's and don't's in the Trading Hall.
Helpful Note:
In "Trading Hall News" everything is numbered so when you go down to "Tips" you can find what that tip I was talking about. The numbers are small so be on the lookout. For instance:
The first digit is the number of the tip on the list.
There are two separate lists, so the second digit tells you exactly what tip you should be reading.
So, if you're told to look for "2.4", then look for the fourth tip on the second list. Get it?
- 2 If you (like most Webkinz this week) are looking all over the Clubhouse for the leprechaun please, please do not go into the Trading Hall, and ask someone to trade if all you're going to do is ask them where the leprechaun is. That is very rude because they might have only 15 minutes to play, any many more reasons.
- 3 If you are going to the Trading Hall please make sure you have items worth trading.W-shop items are not recommended, because they are easy to get.
- 4 If you say that you like an item and that you are ready to trade do not back out at the last minute. A lot of players do that because they aren't sure.
- 3.Be kind, I'm not saying give stuff away for free but don't tell players that their stuff is bad because kids play this game and you might just be telling that to a 5 year old.
- 4 Do some research on you items to see what they are worth.
Here are Helpful Tips:
- A. Ask the whole room and not during a Trade.
- B. Try to find another room.
- C. Google it and find chat room's, threads, or a page about where to find him.
- This tip is for 3.4: Before you put an item up for trade that you like think, Here are the 3 things you need to ask yourself.
- Do you think that the item that the other player has is worth as much as your item or more?
- Do I like this item? If I do than I probably should not trade it. If I don't than I probably should trade it.
- Will I ever regret trading this item?
Please email or comment. If you know some do's and don't's or if you have tips, or anything to do with the Trading Hall. Have a good week.
Cooking with KC
Are you hungry? Well you are in luck! This is where KeiKei and Carmen will show you how to make yummy food in Webkinz World and great food in real life.
As we all know tomorrow is Saint Patrick's Day, Carmen and I have some yummy cookies, Irish Breakfast, and a yummy Mataruk-Lucks. Let's Get Started!
Here are the recipes. First we have the Irish cookies. These cookies are so good! There is a link, too.
.:Irish Breakfast:.
Children should have an adult with them when trying to make this recipe.
Are you hungry? Well you are in luck! This is where KeiKei and Carmen will show you how to make yummy food in Webkinz World and great food in real life.
As we all know tomorrow is Saint Patrick's Day, Carmen and I have some yummy cookies, Irish Breakfast, and a yummy Mataruk-Lucks. Let's Get Started!
Here are the recipes. First we have the Irish cookies. These cookies are so good! There is a link, too.
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Here is a link to an Irish cookie recipe: Link to Irish Cookie. |
Children should have an adult with them when trying to make this recipe.
As you may know, potatoes were (and still are) an incredibly important part of Irish life. They are a source of many nutrients and vitamins, and are quite the versatile food, usable in soups, salads, pies, cakes, and for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Today, we will be focusing on breakfast.
Your potato needs to be deep enough to hold the egg. Leave a half-inch of potato so it can bake properly. Set the insides of the potatoes on a plate; you can fry those later if you want.
Did you know...
Safety Alert! This recipe uses an oven and sharp objects.
Important! Don't try to substitute a frying pan for an just does not work. We tried.
Makes 3 individual servings. To add servings, add 1 potato and 1 egg per person.
3 baking potatoes
3 eggs
Seasonings to taste
A knife
A melon scoop
Tin foil
A glass baking pan
Before you begin...
~Set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
~Scrub the potatoes.
~Gather the seasonings you want to use. You can use just about anything--this is potatoes and eggs we're taking about!
~Make sure you've got all of your food and utensils, and that your utensils are clean and the food is fresh.
Now we can begin!
- Take a potato and cut an oval out of the top.
- Take your melon scoop and scoop the potato out until it's hollow.
Your potato needs to be deep enough to hold the egg. Leave a half-inch of potato so it can bake properly. Set the insides of the potatoes on a plate; you can fry those later if you want.
- Crack an egg into the potato. This is the time to add seasonings, and any other fillings you think would taste good.
- Put the potato into the dish.
- Repeat steps 1-4 with the remaining potatoes.
- Put a tin foil sheet over the dish and put it in the oven for an hour and 45 minutes.
- Remove the potatoes from the oven and allow them to cool.
- After about 10 minutes of cooling time, just pick up the potato and take a bite!
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You can add some pepperoni, like we did here, for a boost of flavor. |
Did you know...
...that ear muffs were invented by a 15 year old boy from Maine?
...the contents of the first-ever e-mail message? "QWERTYUIOP" (without the quotation marks); the first row of letters on a standard keyboard.
Newsletter Submission Form
Newsletter Submission Form
Do you have something you'd like to share with Let's Talk Webkinz?
Wonderful! You can send it to us in 1 of 2 ways...
Wonderful! You can send it to us in 1 of 2 ways...
- Write a comment. Anyone can do this, as you no longer need a Blogger account to post here!
- Send it in an e-mail to (this is the way to go if what you're sending is pretty long)
Guidelines for submissions:
- Profanity is very strictly forbidden and will render the submission invalid for publication.
- Personal opinions, rants, complaints, questions, sneak peeks for pets, and anything that WKN has already announced will not be considered for publication to the Hottest News of the Week section.
- Keep your poems and stories rated G. This means no violence, horror, romance, or mature themes. Harmless games, snowball fights, water guns, and whatnot are OK, and so are ordinary ghost stories and disagreements. Hospitalization, real weapons, evil ghosts, bloody scenarios, and kissing and everything beyond are not allowed--we're keeping this site family-friendly.
- Breaking the rules, using profanity, stealing your entry from somebody else, not using the form, having your submission consist mainly of text talk, or sending in something less than 10 words long will render the submission invalid for publication, and it will not be put in the newsletter.
Submission form...
This form is for things to be considered for the newsletter only.
Copy and paste this form to wherever you're going to send it. Put an X between the brackets that apply to you. (it should look like [x])
You can write down a nickname or username instead of your real name, if you'd like to.
Your pet's name is required only for Outfit Modeling, otherwise it's optional.
Your age is never required.
What section of the newsletter are you submitting to?
Hottest News of the Week (I have something I'd like to be made known) []
Outfit Modeling (I have some pictures of my Webkinz pet modeling their favorite fashions) []
Poems and Short Stories (I have some writing I'd like to show) []
Trading Hall News (I would like to share some Trading Hall Tips of my own) []
Your name:
Your pet's name:
Your submission's title (required for poems and stories):
Anything else you'd like to add?:
Your submission:
Your newsletter was great! I loved Guinevere's outfits, and thanks so much for posting Puffball's! The recipes sound great, though I didn't see the Mataruck-Lucks recipe. The comic was SO cute! I can't wait for next weeks!
ReplyDeleteThanks, So are you thinking about the interview? Please let me know in the next few days :)
ReplyDeleteI don't remember anything about an interview, but I'd love to do one! Anytime :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI just saw your comment on my blog about the interview thing! I am so sorry it took me so long!! I couldn't find a comment button on the page about the interview, so do you want me to just comment about that on here? Thanks!
DeleteThe story I wrote needs some editing, i just realized. Do you want me to delete my comment and then post it again, but edited?
DeleteIt's your story, so if you'd like to do that, that is perfectly fine. ^ ^
DeleteJust commenting the interview here would be best.
DeleteThe comments here at Let's Talk Webkinz have to be reviewed and published before others can see them. I can leave your answers to the interview unpublished, only to be revealed to the general public when the newsletter is published.
I can do the same for the edited version of your story. |^o^|
Would you like for me to do that, or just go ahead and publish them?
Also, I have a question for you, unless you'd rather it remain confidential: did you vote for the title of the Webkinz webcomic, and if so, what was your choice? (I'm asking this for this week's comic)
I did vote, and I voted for Lil' Kinz, Big Adventures. It sounded so cute! And for the interview, you said we could do it in Webkinz World with Kinzchat+ which is fine with me. Or we can do it by commenting. Whatever works best for you. As for my story, I'll just go and delete it, and then post it back with the editing later. Thanks so much!
DeleteHey guys!
ReplyDeleteI am so bad. I JUST saw your comment about being part of your newsletter team. I know. I'm SO slow. Anyway, I'd loved to! Except I have one problem: the website I was using to post pictures in my comments was Image Shack. But then Image Shack was messing up my mom's computer (at least that's what my mom thinks). Do you know of any other websites I could use? Thanks so much!
Hmm, weird that it would do that. Image Shack is my primary image hosting site for a blog I've got on another site, and it hasn't given me a considerable amount of trouble, just the occasional refusing to upload stuff.
DeleteAs for recommendations, here are two:
Photobucket. You will need an account to use it, however.
TinyPic. An account is optional.
What section of the newsletter are you submitting to?
ReplyDeletePoems and Short Stories (I have some writing I'd like to show) [x]
Your name: Jasmine
Your pet's name: Bluebelle
Your submission's title (required for poems and stories): Being Lil'
Your submission:
There once was a Lil' Kinz hippo named Bluebelle. Bluebelle wanted to be a big hippo, so she talked to her brother named Merlin who was a googles wizard.
"Merlin, can you make me big?" she asked.
"Sorry Bluebelle, I haven't figured out how to make a growth potion yet," Merlin replied.
"That's okay," Bluebelle sighed and slinked off to her bedroom. She decided to take a nice relaxing bath in her Wallowing Tub. Bluebelle turned the knob and warm water flowed out through the faucet. She leaned back and relaxed. But she was too little and the water went over her head and she had to stand up in the tub for a whiff of air. Then she had an idea. She turned off the faucet and climbed out of her tub. Bluebelle rummaged through her closet looking for her swim gear. She pulled out a Sunshine Swimsuit and goggles, pulled them on, and climbed back into her bathtub. She found that her bathtub was so big, and she was so small, that she had enough room to swim around! She turned on the water again and let it pour out so that the whole tub was filled to capacity. When she was done swimming, she got out of the tub, took off her swim stuff, dried off, and pulled on a t-shirt and jeans. Harriet walked in,
"Bluebelle, can I borrow your-uh-oh, you need a fashion makeover!" Harriet was a Lil' Kinz too and a HUGE fashionista, "I need to bring you to the Kinzstyle Outlet. Now," Harriet grasped Bluebelle's arm and tugged her out the door. They arrived at the Outlet, but it was so stuffed with customers that they could hardly move, "Follow me," said Harriet, and she led Bluebelle through a curtained doorway into an empty room full of the same clothes in the rest of the store, just smaller, "There isn't a lot of Lil' Kinz so the Lil' room is usually empty," explained Harriet, "and since it is, we don't have to worry about getting trampled by all the bigger Kinz. Here's a cute dress," Harriet grabbed a pink frilly jumper from a rack, then she grabbed a few other accessories, "Try these on," Bluebelle found a dressing room and walked in. When she was done dressing, she opened the door, stepped out, and did a little spin to show off her new outfit.
"Whadya' think?" she asked Harriet.
"You look gorgeous, Blue! We're definitely buying these," exclaimed Harriet. Then she led Bluebelle back to the counter where P. J. Collie stood. All of the other Webkinz were still looking for clothes, so there wasn't any line.
"We'll get these," said Harriet as she shoved Bluebelle in front of her to show P. J. their clothing.
"Okey Dokey, that'll be 415 kinzcash," replied P. J. after she'd tallied up the clothing prices.
"What?!" exclaimed Bluebelle, but Harriet just smiled and pulled out her wallet.
"Don't worry, Bluebelle. I get a coupon each week from the Lil' Kinz society and I've been saving them just for this reason," Harriet replied as she placed a few coupons on the counter, "What's the total now?"
"75 kinzcash," said P. J. as Harriet deposited some crisp bills into her hand.
"Thank you, Harriet! And Bluebelle, you look great," P. J. Collie smiled and waved as the two sisters walked out the door.
Bluebelle grinned and said to Harriet, "I guess being little isn't as bad as I thought."
Harriet grinned back, "Nope, it's great!"