Sorry about the delay. Went camping on Wednesday.
The second half of the Spring clothing has been added to the KinzStyle Outlet.
From the top left corner to the bottom right corner, these clothes are:
-Striped Cotton Dress--300 KC
-Layered Skirt--200 KC
-High Cut Runners--175 KC
-Purple Denim Jeans--225 KC
-Long Knit Sweater--185 KC
-Blue Argyle Sweater--190 KC
-Spring Fedora--150 KC
-Beige Toque--80 KC
-Lemon Lime Sash--110 KC
-Checkered Board Shorts--200 KC
Also, three more WKN exclusive clothing items have been added.
GanzWorld Striped Cotton Dress; GanzWorld Layered Skirt; GanzWorld Spring Fedora |
These three items--along with the second half of the Spring line--can be found from April 27-May 9 at Webkinz Newz, in a click-to-win. Just look for the floating PJ Collie to win!
Two new Challenges have been added in Webkinz World.
These next few weeks, at least, will be a doozy for players keeping up with their Challenges!
The first is CampKinz Canoe Trip, which is unlocked after completing the CampKinz Counselor challenge. This Canoe Trip challenge is categorized as a Mega Challenge, which, according to WKN, has "more challenging tasks and better prizes". This challenge is the first Mega Challenge in Webkinz World!
And by Mega, they are not kidding. I just checked, and these are the first three tasks in the challenge:
Ask your friends for 30 Maps
Earn a total of 25,000 points playing Pinky's Big Adventure
And...earn a total of 250 KinzCash playing Zacky's Quest in the Arcade
Dear goodness. It's a good thing that those KinzCash and points will accumulate over plays, so you don't have to get it all in one shot. Let's get to playing, I suppose!
The second challenge is Plumpy's Great Advice, named after the book of the same name. It is unlocked after completing the Smarty Pants challenge. If you have a free vacation ticket, save it for this challenge--you will need it. This challenge is much easier in comparison to the one above--buy a hat, buy a book, earn 3,000 points in Goober's Lab. There are, however, 6 sets of tasks.
Contrary to what the WKN article said, the Webkinz Road Trip map has not been added to the site.
The article in question said that the Road Trip map would be added to the site on April 25, but they either haven't put it there yet, or they did and just hid it really well.
A Retro Replay Video Challenge has been added to the POTM video, "Tiger Tiger".
The video, which was made for the Bengal Tiger (POTM for July two years ago) featured an unidentified pink monkey wearing some sort of dress that you couldn't find anywhere else. The monkey later turned out to be a Glamorous Gorilla, which was released a few months later. And now, you can get her outfit, too!
Your pet even wears the bracelets!
And yes, the dress can be traded and sent in KinzPost.
They finally fixed that thing where when you win stuff it doesn't show up in a window
Here, here, let me explain it.
A lot of months back, Ganz added a feature where, when you won a prize from WKN, a window would appear upon logging into your account that would tell you exactly what you won. This was a really helpful feature, especially for click-to-wins with random prizes, as there is an incredibly high amount of players who had so many items in their docks that they couldn't take the time to discover what they'd won.
Unfortunately, a few months later, accounts with a certain amount of pets found that the window didn't show up for them anymore. Eventually, nobody was able to see the window.
As of today's update, my account with 16 pets on it is able to see the window! (where we discover that we've won yet another rain coat.)
And in Let's Talk Webkinz related news, sometime today, we reached our 10,000th pageview!
Plus, we got 99 pageviews in all of yesterday, which happens to be the current record on this blog. Huzzah! The viewership has been doubled!
Thank you to everyone for helping us get this far!